Info for already registered tour participants only!Your tour on
Friday, Aug 4, into the Lamma Power Station:
Please assemble at the main (east) gate of the Lamma Power Station at
10:15am, end of Power Station Road, just off Power Station beach (where our yearly Lamma Fun Day is held).
We need your signature on a form BEFORE the tour (for HK Electric insurance and security/disclaimer purposes).
10:15 sign-up, please!
Only registered/confirmed people will be permitted, no +1, please.
No sandals or flip-flops, please! A safety helmet will be provided and it's mandatory to wear one.
10:30am tour starts, 11:50am tour ends. No waiting for latecomers.
Itinerary: Facilities to be visited will include Visitor Centre, Gas Receiving Station, Turbine Hall of gas-fired generating unit and Solar Power System.
In addition, we will catch a glimpse of the construction site of new gas-fired generating units.
Advance questions can be submitted to me directly. I'll get them to the tour guide in advance, to answer during the tour, if time permits, as we have only 1 hour 20 minutes for the ENTIRE tour.
More info:viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11752&start=20#p88521Here are photo galleries of an earlier, similar tour we did: ... tation.htmPhoto-taking is fine with HK Electric.
Your photos, videos and write-ups will be happily accepted for a follow-up story in the Lamma-zine, fully credited to you, of course.
Contact me by email, WhatsApp, Facebook or phone
6151 5408.
If any of you
CANNOT make it, please let me know well in advance. Thank you.