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Silly beards and Baldy heads
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Author:  k@ [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Silly beards and Baldy heads

Baldies and Beardies

My old pal Malcolm mailed me recently to tell me he still had a silly beard. I told him I didn't think his beard was silly but he said everyone kept telling him it was. Rather a mean thing to do I thought but that's Lamma for you. Whatever turns you on I guess.

Anyway, I thought if everyone was so interested in other peoples beards they would probably be interested in people with baldy heads too.

Therefore I suggest if you know someone with a silly beard or a baldy head you should post their name by replying to this thread. Then if someone has (or can sneakily get) a picture of the person who's name has been posted they can stick it up. A sort of baldy & beardy bounty hunt.

Any baldy or beardy will do, but of special interest are pictures of people who used to have a silly beard and have shaved it off when they realised how silly it was, and people who only have a small baldy patch that they try to comb over (or maybe don't even know about).

If you can nominate someone with a silly beard AND a baldy head that's even better.

When we've got enough contestents we can have a poll for the silliest looking baldy or beardy and they will win a prize.

As you can see I'm being fairly altruistic about this as I don't have a baldy head or a silly beard so I have no chance of winning.

However Lamma Gung used to have a self confessed silly beard and he sent me a picture.


So there's a start for you all. Get posting Baldy & Beardy pictures as soon as possible and we'll see how many we can collect.

Good Luck.


Author:  THE Norm [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 4:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey !

How come you deleted my post nominating ned sparrow as a baldy? Don't you think he's got a sense of humour?

Author:  k@ [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 5:06 am ]
Post subject: 

If I remember correctly Norm, wasn't it you that nearly had a punch-up with the aforementioned gent ouside the Corner Bar or wherever?

I suspect your motives not his sense of humour.

Be nice. :wink:

Author:  THE Norm [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

hey, i'm always nice :wild:

i love that neddy guy.

ok. i'l be extra nice and nominate Artist Clive. The one with the carpet brother. He had a baldy head and a funny little beard.

Author:  Lamma-Gung [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Nominating Nick

A favorite beardy? That's easy! No, not me, of course, as nobody knows me yet...

I nominate the most popular and well-known beardy on Lamma:
Nick the Bookman!

He's become so famous now in all of HK now, enjoying his 15 minutes of fame after this interview & photo in HK Magazine.
He's probably been flooded by the weekend hordes of tourists passing his bookstall, incl. autograph hunters and groupies... :lol:


When seeing his beard, comparing it to my recent silly, stubbly, itchy outgrowth, I got so demoralized that I shaved it off. It would take me DECADES to ever come close to Nick's beard.

The first time I spoke to him on the phone, setting up a meeting to help us move to Lamma last year, he described his beard proudly as "longer than Bin Laden's!"

Hey, for you guys'n'gals not living in HK anymore, here's the scanned Nick interview.
My Lamma is non-profit, so I hope that HK Magazine won't give me any copyright heat...

Author:  bbchris [ Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  !!

Do you remember the silly beards contest we had on Lamma? I do believe I have some photos somewhere, I'll look for them this weekend and then scan in :) hhahahahahahha

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