HEY! It's MY privilege to abuse the membership database!
Well, everybody registering as a new member in this forum gets onto my email newsletter list and will receive 1-2 times monthly updates on what's new and happening on Lamma. Opting out is an easy one-click operation, of course.
I haven't been very successful so far in monetising this email-only list, collected and constantly updated over 11 years, only occasionally adding a bit of commercial, sometimes paid-for text promoting an off-Lamma show or event. All local events get free promotion, of course. No spamming, no abuse and no advertising-only emails, unlike many other local email lists. The email addresses will never be given out to anybody else, not for any purpose, of course.
Any ideas on how to abuse, err, make better use of my email list of 5,500 active email addresses from all over HK, far beyond Lamma?