File comment: 9 october 1550 service to lamma
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i have been very impressed with HKKF and their handling of cargo since the bookcase incident before summer. the crew have been proactive in ensuring the exits are not blocked, even moving cargo to the cargo area or removing cargo off the ship. they have also been ensuring it is secure. i have thanked the pier manager several times for the companies professionalism. so i was rather upset tday to see the exits blocked on the 1550 service to lamma on 9 october. As you can see in the photo above the exit was blocked with a trolley of commercial cargo. i have talked to the Lamma pier manager who was less than happy when i showed him the photo, and he went straight onto the ship to see what was going on. I have also let 1823 know what happened. Yes perhaps i should have left it with HKKF pier manager and not called 1823, but I want to stop this straight away so we do not go back to the crazy situation we had in June.